Certified Nutrition & Weight Loss Coach & YogaFit Instructor
Making it easier to improve
health and lose weight!
Cartwright MB
Homeade Meals
2 hr2 hr
7.99 Canadian dollars
Customer's Place
Service Description
Are you sick? do you have trouble preparing meals? Are you just too busy? I can provide a week's worth of dinners ready for the slow cooker or oven. I will come by with groceries and prepare it.
I'm also offering healthy meal prep classes. I do the shopping and you come attend the class and we do meal prep together. Giving you new ideas of what to make and ideas for healthy eating. Also the convenience of having meal prep done, especially if you are busy! I'll come to a town near you! Minimum 2 people signed up.
Meal planning, where to shop, pantry list and wellness tips.